"We are honored to welcome President Barack Obama to Norway," says founder and CEO of Oslo Business Forum, Christoffer Omberg. The former President of the United States will travel to Oslo to speak to Norwegian businesses.
Norwegian version will follow.
President Obama will come to Oslo for the Oslo Business Forum conference, The Future of Technology and Sustainability on September 26th, 2018.
"We are continuously working to create the most value for our participants, and it is a pleasure that President Obama wishes to travel here to speak with Norwegian business leaders and decision makers at the Oslo Business Forum this fall," says Omberg.
Together with his co-founder Marius Røed Wang and the rest of the team, have been working diligently on bringing the 44th US President to Norway this fall.
In 2008, he was elected President of the United States and led the US through a huge technological journey during the eight years he was in office. It's easy to forget that the first iPhone was released in 2007 and since that time, digital development has accelerated at an exponential rate.
One of the main topics for the conference is the future of technology advancement, with a particular focus on creating sustainable businesses in a digital era.
“He complements the program in a brilliant way, given the fact that he led the United States during a period when the world underwent a digital transformation. Companies have seen tremendous growth and we have seen how the sharing economy has taken the world by storm,” says Omberg.
President Obama will join a list of international speakers such as MIT professor Andrew McAfee, CNN Program Director Richard Quest and Oxford lecturer Dr. Chris Kutarna. In addition to the international speakers, Norwegian business representatives will be speaking. NHH researchers Sveinung Jørgensen and Lars Jacob Tynes Pederesen, tech-expert Silvija Seres and Nordea’s Thina Saltvedt are on the list of confirmed speakers.
The program has not been created by chance, according to Omberg.
"Over the last two years, we have talked to hundreds of business leaders, entrepreneurs and thought leaders to find out what challenges they are facing," said Omberg.
The results were clear; everyone has the same challenges:
"These challenges resulted in the theme, The Future of Technology and Sustainability. With the subtitle: Scandinavia 4.0: The Nordic path towards the new economy,” says Omberg.
"We want to help Norwegian businesses create sustainable business models so that they can form a competitive basis in the time to come. September 26th will be a day that companies kickstart the changes they wish to implement. The conference will offer inspiration and tips on how to increase the speed of innovation,” added Omberg.
Oslo Business Forum will be held at X Meeting Point and is part of Oslo Innovation Week 2018.
The company was started in December 2015 by Christoffer Omberg (25) and Marius Røed Wang (24).
Oslo Business Forum held its first conference on November 17, 2016, in Oslo Concert Hall. The two conference founders attracted Sir Alex Ferguson to Norway.
Since 2016, Oslo Business Forum has organized a total of four conferences for the Norwegian business community.
Garry Kasparov and Randi Zuckerberg graced the stage at the April 10th, 2018 conference: Leadership in Changing Times.
Former speakers who have been on stage include Sir Alex Ferguson, Gary Vaynerchuk, Randi Zuckerberg, Garry Kasparov, Anita Krohn Traaseth and Kristin Skogen Lund.
In just over two years, the company has grown from two to twelve employees.
– Vi ser veldig frem til å ønske President Barack Obama velkommen til Norge, sier gründer og daglig leder i Oslo Business Forum, Christoffer Omberg. Den tidligere amerikanske presidenten reiser i høst til Oslo for å snakke til det norske næringslivet.
President Obama kommer til Oslo under Oslo Business Forums konferanse, The Future of Technology and Sustainability den 26. september 2018.
– Vi jobber kontinuerlig for å skape mest mulig verdi for våre deltakere. Derfor er det gledelig at President Obama ønsker å reise til Norge for å snakke med norske næringslivsledere og beslutningstakere på Oslo Business Forum i høst, sier Omberg.
Sammen med sin med-gründer Marius Røed Wang og resten av teamet har han jobbet flittig med å hente den 44 amerikanske presidenten til Norge.
I 2008 ble han valgt til USAs president og ledet USA gjennom en enorm teknologisk reise i de åtte årene han satt i embete. Det er kanskje lett å glemme at den første iPhone først ble lansert i 2007, og siden den gang har den digitale utviklingen hatt en eksponentiell vekst.
For et av hovedtemaene for konferansen er fremtidens teknologiutvikling – spesielt for å kunne skape et bærekraftig næringsliv i en digital tidsalder.
– Han utfyller programmet strålende med tanke på at han ledet USA i en periode verden har gjennomgått en digital transformasjon. Flere selskaper har hatt en enorm vekst, og vi har sett hvordan delingsøkonomien har tatt verden med storm, sier Omberg.
President Obama vil inngå i programmet sammen med internasjonalt anerkjente foredragsholder som MIT-professor Andrew McAfee; Programleder i CNN, Richard Quest og Oxford-foreleser Dr. Chris Kutarna. I tillegg til de internasjonale foredragsholderne, kommer også norske næringslivspersonligheter til å stå på scenen. NHH-forskere Sveinung Jørgensen og Lars Jacob Tynes Pederesen, Tech-ekspert Silvija Seres og Nordeas Thina Saltvedt er på listen over bekreftede foredragsholdere.
Programmet er ikke blitt til ved tilfeldigheter, ifølge Omberg.
– I løpet av de siste to årene har vi snakket med hundrevis av bedriftsledere, gründere og opinionsledere for å finne ut hvilke utfordringer de står overfor, sier Omberg.
Resultene var tydelige: alle hadde de samme utfordringene:
– Disse utfordringene resulterte i temaet «The Future of Technology and Sustainability» med undertittelen «Scandinavia 4.0: The Nordic path towards the new economy», sier Omberg, før han legger til:
– Vi ønsker å hjelpe det norske næringslivet med å skape bærekraftige forretningsmodeller, slik at de kan danne et konkurransekraftig grunnlag i tiden som kommer. Den 26. september vil kunne være et viktig startskudd for selskaper som ønsker å sette i gang med endringer. For organisasjoner som allerede er i gang, vil konferansen inneholde mange gode tips og råd for å kunne øke innovasjonshastigheten.
Oslo Business Forum avholdes den 26. september på X Meeting Point og er en del av Oslo Innovation Week 2018.