Mikko Hyppönen

Global Cybersecurity Expert & Author

'Why AI is Redefining Leadership'

Mikko Hyppönen is a leading global security expert, serving as the Chief Research Officer at WithSecure and a Principal Research Advisor at F-Secure. He has contributed to renowned publications like the New York Times and Wired, and frequently appears on international TV. Mikko has spoken at top universities including Stanford and Oxford.

He’s been recognized by PC World as one of the web's most important people and named in the FP Global 100 Thinkers list.

Notably, Mikko is a key member of the EUROPOL advisory board, emphasizing his pivotal role in European security.

With an extensive career dating back to 1991, Hyppönen has worked with law enforcement agencies across the United States, Europe, and Asia, assisting in cybercrime cases and providing guidance to governments on cybersecurity matters.

He is known for the Hyppönen Law about IoT security, which states that whenever an appliance is described as being “smart”, it is vulnerable.


As a sought-after speaker, he has delivered influential talks at conferences like TED, SXSW and Web Summit. His latest book is “If It’s Smart, It’s Vulnerable” has been translated to 4 languages.

His contributions earned him recognition, ranking 61st in Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Thinkers report. Hyppönen coined the term “Cybercrime Unicorns” to describe billion-dollar cybercrime organizations, showcasing his impact in the industry.


Mikko stands at the forefront of cybersecurity and AI, sharing unparalleled insights on the emerging battle between digital defense and offense. His expertise illuminates the shift towards automated threats and the necessary tactics for businesses to stay ahead. With his guidance, listeners gain the foresight to harness AI's benefits while protecting against its risks.

What to learn from Mikko Hyppönen?

'Why AI is Redefining Leadership'

As the CRO of a leading cyber security corporation, Mikko has been monitoring how cyber criminals work. Cyber Security companies have been a step ahead thanks to automation and AI, while criminals have been building their attacks manually. This is going to change, as new systems enable cyber criminals to have an easy access to the powers of fast-developing AI. 

Mikko will share his insight on the latest development of AI and its possible future. 

  • Discover how AI is reshaping leadership roles and structures in 2024
  • Utilize AI for improved decision-making and innovation in leadership.
  • Navigate ethical considerations in integrating AI into leadership practices.