Anders Indset
Anders engages, provokes, entertains and educates leaders around the world. One of the world’s leading business philosophers offering a new perspective on the “art of thinking.“ By bridging the philosophy of the past with the technology and science of tomorrow, he shows how leaders can cope with the 21st century.
Author of two best-selling books: "Wild Knowledge - Outthink the Revolution" and "Philosophy@Work" - a collection of philosophical concepts with contributions from some of the leading thinkers of modern times
States practical philosophy is now necessary as the nonsense clouding today’s business world can no longer be tolerated due to advances in technology.
Recognized by Thinkers50 as one of 30 Global Thinkers “most likely to shape the future of how organizations are managed and led”.

What you'll learn from Anders
- Rethink the economy to better understand society
- Realize that business is not about winning
- Foresee what the quantum economy can look like